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Cum funcționează

Pe scurt, avem grijă să conectăm utilizatorii cu diferite portaluri de cumpărături, care ne returnează un comision. O parte din acest comision este redirecționat către organizații de mediu cu care am stabilit parteneriate pentru plantarea copacilor, iar restul este folosit pentru a extinde această inițiativă în întreaga lume.
Cumpără acum folosind Verdoo și cei peste 1600 de comercianți parteneri. Poți găsi toate produsele de care ai nevoie, de la îmbrăcăminte și încălțăminte până la decorațiuni de interior, electronice sau jucării. Fiecare cumpărătură contribuie la plantarea copacilor și îți aduce reduceri de preț. Verifică noile oferte în fiecare zi!
În ceea ce privește efortul colectiv, publicăm rapoarte de activitate în mod regulat și infomăm întreaga comunitate despre impactul pe care îl avem asupra viitorului nostru. La nivel individual, poți urmări în contul tău Verdoo numărul total de copaci care au fost plantați cu ajutorul tău.

We currently collaborate with more than 10.000 stores around the world. From fashion boutiques to pet shops.

You can check all the stores we work with by following this link ->

If you can’t find your favorite shop, please e-mail us at We may be able to add it to our list!

We probably can.

Please e-mail us at and suggest the shops you would like us to work with.

We offer a range of deals and discounts depending on the shops available in your country.

Some stores have both promo codes and special deals, which can be cumulative so make sure to check the webpage also. 

Just go to your accound and click “Invite my Friends”. Enter their e-mails and you’re done :)

Trees, CO2 & climate change

Climate change refers to unusual long-term changes in Earth’s climate. It comprises changes in precipitation, higher temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, flooding

and droughts, as well as loss of species.

The amount of CO2 and other gases trapped in the atmosphere is now too high — almost 50% higher than before the industrial revolution. Over the past 150 years, Earth’s average

temperature has increased much more than scientists would have expected. This means we need to start acting — NOW. And every little help counts.

There’s no right answer to this question, as it depends on the shop you’re buying from and whether you decide to keep an item or return it to the warehouse.

It’s always better to buy local (e.g.: in the country where you currently live) and plan ahead. This way you can avoid “impulse purchases” and consequent returns.

It depends on the store you’re buying from, as we have different agreements with different shops. We plant one tree for each euro we make in commissions from your purchases.

On average, a tree will offset around 200 kilograms of CO2 during its lifetime, which means 10 kilograms per year for 20 years. It varies depending on the species, the soil and the climate conditions where a tree is growing.

Yes and no. ;)

Forests and oceans are the best carbon capturers known to scientists.

While the power of the ocean may be tough to harness, trees are easy to plant at a mass scale. A recent study concluded that planting billions of trees is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere, since trees convert CO2 into oxygen and plant material.

It’s important to notice that planting trees alone isn’t enough to tackle climate change. However, planting them can help slow down climate changes, which gives societies more time to adopt sustainable practices and let go of harmful behaviors.

We work with Eden Reforestation Projects, a nonprofit organization that plants millions of trees every year, mostly in developing countries. It’s one of the most cost-effective reforestation projects worldwide.

We plant our trees in several different places around the world, together with our partner Eden Reforestation Projects. Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal and Nicaragua are some of the places we’ve been reforesting.

We mostly plant native trees (90%), which are different in every country. We also plant some agroforestry species (10%), which create social, environmental and economic benefits for each community supported by our partner Eden Reforestation Projects.

You can check where certain tree species are planted here.

You can see it in your account under “Planting Activities”. It will appear as soon as you make your first purchase through our website or the Verdoo extension.

Our partner, Eden Reforestation Projects, takes care of all plantation areas, to ensure their protection. They have agreements with the government; hire local villagers to plant the

trees and look after them; and also hire forest guards.

These plantations are sources of food, income and joy. The villagers feel a sense of ownership over the trees they have planted and recognize their benefits, treating them with respect and, above all, love.

The short answer is... no. However, it certainly is a start.

The good news is, on average, per year, a young tree will absorb 6 kilograms of CO2, and a ten-year-old will capture 22 kilograms. The other news is the average carbon footprint per person, per year, is 4800 kilograms.

That’s why we all need to plant as many trees as we can, every year.

Recrutează și Plantează

Was it your grandma’s name? Or your favorite food? Don’t worry, if you can’t remember your password, simply follow these steps:

1 - Go to our homepage and tap “Sign In”

2 - Click “Forgot Password?” and enter your e-mail address.

3 - Tap “Send Password Reset Link” and wait a few seconds for our e-mail.

4 - Tap “Reset Password”, enter a memorable combination and you’re all set.

If you’ve installed Verdoo, but can’t see it on your browser, check if you can find it this way:

If you’re using Chrome:

1 - Open Chrome and click on the puzzle icon you see in your toolbar.

2 - Tap “Manage Extensions”, look for Verdoo and enable it by dragging the slider button to the right.

If you’re using Firefox:

1 - Open Firefox and tap “Tools”.

2 - Click on “Add-ons” and then on “Extensions”.

3 - Look for our extension and click on “Enable”.

If you can’t find it, try to reinstall Verdoo or e-mail us at so we can give you a hand.

Please check your spam folder or e-mail us at

Distribuie și Plantează

We collect your e-mail and name when creating your account.

Apart from that, we only collect technical information about your devices and the way you use Verdoo services to see if everything is working well and promptly fix any issues.

We use it to improve your customer experience, manage your account, keep you updated with new offers, learn more about our customers’ preferences and keep everything secure.

We don't sell any data to 3rd parties. We take your data security very seriously. We make sure your data is encrypted and use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access.

We use it to improve your customer experience, manage your account, keep you updated with new offers, learn more about our customers’ preferences and keep everything secure.

We take your data security very seriously. We make sure your data is encrypted and use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access.

We only track your location to make sure our deals and offers are available in your country.

Yes, you can. Simply e-mail us at us at and request it.


It would be great to have you on board. Please email us at and tell us more about your store.

For investment opportunities please e-mail us at

About Verdoo

We are a social enterprise. If we were a nonprofit or a charity, we wouldn’t be able to accept outside investment and funding.

Therefore we chose to become a company.

Otherwise, we would only be able to accept donations and government grants. This would limit our action, our impact and would slow us down. As an enterprise, we’re able to grow and expand much faster, which will allow us to have planted 1 billion trees by 2023.

We make a small commission when you shop from one of our partners using our browser extension.

Alte întrebări

If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail us at
